Propaganda launches 24 Seven’s game changing new SIM


Last week saw the launch of 24 Seven’s National Roaming SIM, which allows mobile users to jump between networks.

This SIM is the first national roaming product in the UK and works by searching out the strongest signal from a group of major Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to improve network coverage and help eliminate so-called ‘not-spots’ where individual operator network signals are poor. The system works on a similar premise to roaming for available networks while abroad.

Propaganda worked closely with 24 Seven to ready them for the launch which took place at the Business Show at Olympia, London last week. Check out the film here.

It has been estimated that 20% of the UK suffers from an unreliable mobile phone signal and this can be down to a number of factors, including geography and network coverage. According to research, this can result in British user’s having no signal 15% of the time. However, in areas where signal strength is poor, reception is often available from one of the four main network providers. Until now, there has been no process or procedure to jump to a better signal strength, unless making emergency calls, leading to frustration and loss of earning for those involved.

David Samuel, Managing Director of 24 Seven said: “Working with Propaganda, we have been able to launch this new SIM card to provide mobile users with a more reliable mobile signal. Mobile reception affects so many areas of life. Businesses in particular could stand to lose out on millions of pounds due to poor signal strength or feeble network coverage. We anticipate it being extremely beneficial to ‘coverage-critical’ industries, such as lone workers, nurses and doctors, asset tracking, vehicle tracking and numerous other services.”

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