Numbers are always a great indication in to how good or bad a campaign has done and as we wrap up 2012 for our clients, we thought we’d share some of the stats that our Social Media team is seeing following the ‘Christmas is on Boost’ campaign that they’ve worked on at the end of last year:
– During 2012 we have grown the Boost Facebook fan base by 390%
But we know it’s not just about fan numbers, it’s about content and engagement:
– The ‘Christmas on Boost’ campaign captured data of over 5000 fans – that’s an average of 161 emails and postal addresses per day!
– Additionally, across the recent December activity the page received 2,075 comments, 2,169 shares and 6,103 likes.
Our December activity on Boost’s Twitter page has also boosted figures showing some amazing results:
– The RT and follow tweet that linked to the final Boost Christmas giveaway increased Boost’s Twitter followers by over 400 users – in just 3 days!
Needless to say, we believe that this is a great end to the year – particularly since there was no media spend supporting the campaign.
Here’s to a prosperous 2013 everyone!