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Why catching the eye of your customers is socially important

Visual images are becoming increasingly important in our society with the proliferation of screen-based technology and advertising.Pictures and video offer a quick way for us to consume information in an easily digestible form in a time poor society. It also...


The building blocks of a collaborative community

Collaborating with your fans or customers is becoming an increasingly important part of social strategy. The way you tap into your community of customers, suppliers and other brand advocates can enhance a project and lift it from merely ‘crowdsourcing’ ideas....


Account Director Wanted

We’re looking for a well-formed client services professional who’s ready to move onto the next level by joining our brand strategy and creative consultancy team. If like us, you mean business, and want to join the most business savvy, entrepreneurial...


Propaganda shortlisted for MCA Awards 2012

The MCA Awards have now been running for 15 years and are the benchmark for quality within the consulting industry. They are the ideal way to demonstrate and recognise the value of consulting. They also celebrate how clients and consultants working together...


Propaganda Interesting Night 4: Idea Generation

Thursday the 22nd December saw us undertake the fourth of our monthly ‘Interesting talks’, in which under the lure of free pizza, beer and wine, a member of the team gives a small presentation about something that they find interesting!...


Simon on the Streets

Freezing last night, wasn’t it? Would you want to sleep outside? If you can, take a moment to think about the hundreds of men and women in Yorkshire who had to. These people are the reason why we’ve decided not...


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